Legal information


Company information and publishing information CEO & content responsible : Marion Carneiro

contact :

company number: OC431660

Company address: 27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn, London WC1N 3AX

Legal status : Limited liability partnership / SARL

Website Host: Go Daddy 2155 E. GoDaddy Way,Tempe, AZ 85284 USA

The company specializes in the automation of marketing campaigns on social networks for third party companies

II terms of use

The site and its representatives as well as those of the company Ynapmoc terces eht llp considers its responsibility totally excluded from an improper use of the site.

The entity will not be held responsible for any partial or total use of the site and uses this digital medium only as a portfolio, a showcase of its work.

Any inconvenience related to the Internet tool that the entity does not have control over cannot be considered as attributable.

The user is entirely responsible for his activity on the site and can not consider prejudice a case of force majeure such as a lack of connection, a slowness in loading the content. The entity will do its utmost to facilitate the user's visit and retains the right to modify, update, reorganize the content of the site but cannot be held responsible for the correct result of these actions. The entity gives the means and does not guarantee any result on the visit of the site.

Finally, the entity is totally free from the general conditions of use of sharing platforms (such as linkedin, instagram, tiktok, Facebook..) including if the accounts have the same name as the web support here.


The originality of the creation of the content and the container is protected by the Berne Convention of 1979. The work is always protected by the law of the state where it is used.

Thus, the protections afforded to a work may vary depending on the Territory in which it is used, regardless of the origin of the author or the State in which it was first published.

The principle of originality of the work protects the author from plagiarism and improper use in all countries that are signatories to the 1979 Bern Convention, which is based on the applicable standards developed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

The intellectual property of which all electronic media is covered is a fundamental right held in its entirety by the entity Ynapmoc terces eht llp and by its representatives.

All the contents of this support (text, logo, name, graphics, creation, icons, 3D graphics, motion design, podcast, video, musical contents, NFT) is covered by the code of the intellectual property article 111-1 thus The author of a work of the spirit enjoys on this work, of the only fact of its creation, of an exclusive incorporeal property right and opposable with all.

Any partial or total use of this material requires the express permission of the person responsible for the content (mentioned in point I).

Any violation of the provisions mentioned above will thus see an application of article 335-2 of the same code providing following its update of 2006 as follows: "Is punished by three years of imprisonment and 300 000 euros of fine the fact: To publish, to put at the disposal of the public or to communicate to the public, knowingly and under some form that it is, a software obviously intended for the provision of the public not authorized of works or protected objects;

2° To knowingly incite, including through an advertisement, the use of a software mentioned in 1°."

Moreover, any communication tools containing similar or identical content of the mynameisbond site does not give in any case the right to use the content created by the mynameisbond entity without its express agreement through an email or a registered letter.

In the event of non-compliance, the person in charge will have the right to put the author of the alleged facts on notice and to assert his rights as a creator involving the aforementioned proceedings.

All information and publications on the belong to the company Ynapmoc terces eht llp.

The photos with the logo of, are the property of Ynapmoc terces eht llpet can not be used without his permission.

The reproduction, representation, transfer, distribution, or recording of all or part of the elements present on the site is formally forbidden without the express authorization of the person in charge of publication.

No responsibility of the company and the manager, can be considered without the presence of an express and written agreement of their parts.


Following the law of 1978 and the various good manners presented by the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties, as well as the entry into force in France (May 25, 2018) of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as RGPD), the entity must be transparent about the use or non-use of the data of the visitor of the support.


Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. But, because it concerns people, they must keep control of it. - Name, first name, sex, age, Internet Protocol (IP) address, postal address, email, telephone.

The entity through its digital medium does not actively collect any personal data directly.

The contact form does not mention any opt-in / consent for data processing since the data after the management of the user's request are neither collected in a SQL database nor kept in a third party tool for the purpose of prospecting or loyalty of its property.

The data collected are in order to finalize the request and to accompany the prospect in order to answer his request and to be able to transmit him an offer corresponding to his need.

The data collection tool is an external tool,

it allows nevertheless the management of a database collected for which is also responsible.

Your rights

Through the non-commercial digital support of the entity some of your personal data are collected for the good follow-up of your campaigns, the improvement of the user path and the follow-up of the customer relationship.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and from which Directive 95/46/EC is derived, hereinafter referred to as the GDPR

You have rights:

Respect of your information rights

(Each collection medium on our sites and our network has a clear and explicit privacy policy and mandatory information: See "terms and conditions" / "Our Legal Notice" / "Our Charter".

Respect of your opposition rights

(Each collection medium has a clear and explicit contact form allowing any Internet user to contact us to exercise his right of opposition). Respect of the right of access and rectification (Simplified procedure for the Internet user to exercise his rights).

In addition to the personal data collected from the form you filled out, we may use the information about you from your activities on the services offered by to resolve any possible dispute or settle any problem that may arise during the use of our services.

By using the site, you agree to comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties.

Transparency and purpose:

No personal data is or will be collected without your knowledge. The operating company collects and processes your personal data only for the purposes described in this Legal Notice.

Proportionality and relevance:

The operating company only collects and processes the personal data necessary for the proper processing of your request or for the personalization of the services offered to you.

Data storage time:

The operating company keeps the data for 3 years in accordance with the provisions of the CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatiques et Libertés) for commercial sites as stipulated in the General Data Protection Regulation in force since May 25, 2018 in its article 6 paragraph 5

Security and privacy:

The operating company undertakes to take the necessary measures to guarantee the confidentiality of the data and not to disclose it to unauthorized third parties.
We may be required to pass on your personal information to local authorities, if required by law or in the context of an investigation and in accordance with European and French regulations.

Rights of access, rectification and opposition:

In accordance with the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to Data processing, the Files and Freedoms, you profit, on simple written request, of a right of access and of correction on the information concerning you.
You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose to the treatment of the data concerning you.

To exercise any of these rights and obtain information about you, please contact or by mail with acknowledgment of receipt at the following address

35 rue de Sentier

75002 Paris


The purpose of cookies, also known as tracers, is to transmit technical, marketing, customer and advertising information and in some cases personal data such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address.

For any request, the user can contact by email for all requests related to the use of his data.


As mentioned by the European regulation of 2019 32019R1150 - EN -EUR-Lex

Any web actor, a test of alternative dispute resolution method is a must before starting a procedure. and Ynapmoc terces eht llp for this purpose will be able to agree with the other party to find an independent and neutral third party or two comediators.

The site being written in French, its support and its communication is intended only for a French-speaking public and respects the French laws in force.

In case of dispute with a professional target (natural or legal person), the entity and Ynapmoc terces eht llp consider the Commercial Court of Paris as the sole competent.

In case of a dispute with a private target (outside the commercial and professional framework), the dispute will take place in the place of residence of the client and/or the disputed fact has taken place according to the request of the private client.

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My name is Bond @ 2025
