

Instagram call-to-action: A complete guide and inspiring examples

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Discover our complete guide to Instagram call-to-actions to boost engagement and convert your followers into customers!

Instagram call-to-action: the complete guide with inspiring examples

Instagram call-to-action: the complete guide with inspiring examples

Call-to-actions (CTAs) play an essential role in any digital marketing strategy. On a platform as visual and dynamic as Instagram, the effective use of CTAs can transform a simple post into a powerful tool for engaging your audience and maximizing conversions.

In this guide, we'll explain in detail what a CTA is on Instagram, why it's essential, how to create effective ones and provide inspiring examples to boost your results.

What is call-to-action (CTA) on Instagram?

  • What is a CTA?

A call-to-action (CTA) is an explicit invitation to your audience to perform a specific action. In the context of Instagram, this can include actions such as liking, commenting, sharing, clicking on a link, subscribing to your account, or even buying a product. The CTA is often the phrase or button that converts an intention into a concrete action.

For example, an Instagram post might contain a CTA such as"Comment below to tell us what you think", or"Swipe up to discover our new collection". These phrases encourage users to interact with the content instead of simply passively consuming it.

  • The importance of CTAs in Instagram posts

CTAs are an indispensable tool for guiding your followers through their journey on Instagram. They not only improve engagement - by encouraging specific actions - but also make it easier to turn social interactions into measurable business results. A good CTA can increase your likes, shares, comments, but also redirect traffic to your website or generate direct sales. Without a clear CTA, users may consume your content without taking any action, greatly reducing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Why use call-to-actions on Instagram?

The benefits of CTAs on Instagram

  • Increased commitment

CTAs increase engagement by making interaction with your content more natural. For example, a publication with a CTA asking"Identify a friend who would like this offer" directly encourages users to interact. Comments, likes, shares or tags don't always happen spontaneously - CTAs make it easy to solicit these actions in a straightforward way. What's more, the more interactions a publication receives, the more it is highlighted by Instagram's algorithm, thus increasing its visibility.

On Instagram, users can discover your products or services organically, but CTAs play a crucial role in turning them into actual customers. A well-formulated CTA can lead them to visit your website, sign up for a newsletter, or even buy directly from the app via Instagram Shopping features. For example, e-commerce businesses include CTAs like"Click on the link in the bio to buy now", or"Shopp this outfit directly with our new feature!".

CTA objectives on Instagram

  • The role of CTAs in your posts

Instagram posts, whether photos, videos or carousels, are a valuable communication space for inserting a relevant CTA. A CTA in a post should encourage the audience to interact with the content in a purposeful way. If you want feedback, ask for an opinion. If you're looking to increase visibility, encourage sharing. CTAs maximize the potential of each post by turning a simple "like" into a more engaged and, potentially, more profitable action.

  • The impact of CTAs on the performance of your publications

Integrating CTAs into your publications can have a significant impact on your performance. Publications without CTAs risk generating passive engagement - likes without more. By asking for specific actions, on the other hand, you activate the community, generate discussion and increase interaction. This leads to better overall performance and higher ROI, especially if your CTAs are aligned with your marketing objectives (for example, more site visits or more conversions).

How do you create an effective call-to-action on Instagram?

Best practices for writing a CTA

  • Simplicity and clarity of message

For a CTA to be effective, it needs to be simple and direct. Instagram users quickly scroll through hundreds of pieces of content every day. If your message is complicated or unclear, they'll quickly move on. So your CTA needs to be easy to understand and follow. For example, a CTA like"Click here to see our new collection" is far more effective than a long paragraph describing what the user needs to do.

  • The use of action verbs

Action verbs are your allies. They create a sense of urgency and prompt immediate action. For example, verbs like"Buy","Click","Discover","Try", or"Share" are clear and directly encourage users to take action. What's more, by using strong verbs, you create a dynamic in your publication that captures attention and encourages the audience to act.

Examples of effective call-to-actions

Here are some concrete examples of effective CTAs you could use on Instagram:

  • Example 1:"Want to discover our latest trends? Swipe up to see our new collection!"
  • Example 2:"Tag a friend who absolutely must see this look!"
  • Example 3:"Click on the link in our bio to find out more and get 20% off your first order."
  • Case studies of successful brands

Brands like Nike and Glossier use CTAs in innovative ways to create an emotional connection with their audience. Nike, for example, frequently uses CTAs and hashtags like"Share your story with #JustDoIt" to encourage active user participation and build a sense of community around their brand. Glossier, on the other hand, favors direct CTAs like"Discover our new beauty routine - swipe now" to generate sales while engaging followers.

What types of Call-to-action are available on Instagram?

CTAs for regular posts

  • Sample CTAs for photo and video posts

Regular publications, whether photos or videos, offer many opportunities to include CTAs. For example, you can ask your followers to double-click on a photo to show their appreciation, or to share an inspiring video with their network. Here are a few examples:

  • "Double-tap if you agree!"
  • "Share this video with someone who could benefit from it."
  • Techniques to encourage action

To encourage even more action, you can ask thought-provoking open-ended questions, or offer incentives like discounts or gifts for those who act quickly. For example,"Tell us in comments what your favorite product is for a chance to win a free copy!"

CTAs for Instagram stories

Instagram stories are another powerful space for CTAs, especially thanks to the interactive features available.

  • Examples of CTAs for stories

Instagram allows you to integrate features like"Swipe Up" (for accounts with more than 10,000 followers) or interactive stickers, which make it easier to create engaging CTAs :

  • "Swipe up to find out more about our new products."
  • "Use our question sticker to share your ideas with us."
  • The use of stickers and interactive features

Interactive stickers (questions, quizzes, polls, etc.) are a great way to capture attention and encourage engagement. For example, use a poll to ask your audience's opinion on a product, or a quiz to test their knowledge of your brand. These features are a great way to encourage action while keeping your followers entertained.

CTAs for Reels

  • Strategies for integrating CTAs into Reels

Reels, with their short, engaging video format, are perfect for creative, dynamic CTAs. You can encourage users to like or share the video by embedding a CTA at the end of the Reel, or even by including it directly in the video script. For example:"Press twice if you like this content!" or"Share this Reel with your friends to inspire them."

  • The importance of CTAs in long videos

Longer videos are ideal for including more detailed CTAs. Remember to mention the CTA at the beginning and end of the video to maximize its effectiveness. Phrases like"Watch our full video and find out how you can get an exclusive discount!" work well to engage viewers throughout the video.

What tools and techniques can you use to improve your Instagram CTAs?

Using Instagram insights:

  • Analysis of AHU performance

Instagram Insights is a powerful tool for measuring the effectiveness of your CTAs. It lets you track key metrics such as impressions, link clicks, interactions and much more. By examining this data, you can determine which CTAs work best and adjust your future strategies accordingly.

  • Adjustments based on data collected

Using insights, you can fine-tune your CTAs based on performance. If you notice that a certain type of CTA generates more clicks or shares, you can adapt your content to incorporate these elements into future publications. This ongoing optimization is the key to a successful CTA strategy.

A/B tests to optimize CTAs :

  • Testing methods and continuous optimization

A/B testing is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of different CTAs. By testing two versions of the same post with different CTAs (for example,"Learn more" vs."Buy now"), you can analyze which message resonates most with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

  • Examples of successful tests

Many brands use A/B testing to improve their results. For example, a clothing company tested two CTAs for a sales campaign. The first CTA,"Discover our new collection", generated 20% more engagement, while the second,"Buy now", generated 30% more conversions. This simple CTA modification significantly improved campaign performance.

Frequently asked questions about Instagram call-to-actions

Call-to-action: what is it?

A CTA is an explicit invitation to perform a specific action, whether it's to comment, share, or buy a product. The most effective CTAs are direct and engaging, offering clear value to the user.

What are the best examples of CTAs for Instagram?

The most effective CTAs use action verbs and elicit an immediate emotional response. For example,"Swipe to discover our exclusive surprise!" or"Share with a friend who would love this product!" capture attention and encourage engagement.

How do you measure the effectiveness of CTAs on Instagram?

Tools like Instagram Insights let you measure the impact of your CTAs. By monitoring engagement rates, clicks and conversions, you can assess their effectiveness and adjust your strategies to improve results.


Call-to-actions on Instagram are essential tools for transforming a passive audience into an engaged community. By following best practices, using the right action verbs, and regularly testing different strategies, you can maximize the impact of your CTAs and achieve your marketing goals. Remember, every CTA is an opportunity to engage your followers and convert them into loyal customers.

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