

Meta Verified: A new verification strategy on Instagram and Facebook

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Meta has launched its verification subscriptions on Instagram and Facebook, offering a blue badge, greater visibility, and protection against identity theft. But are these packages really worth it for your business? Find out on this page.

Meta Verified: A new verification strategy on Instagram and Facebook

Meta recently unveiled its new verification subscriptions, available on Instagram and Facebook. These offerings, grouped under the name Meta Verified, claim to improve visibility, optimize SEO, protect against identity theft and offer direct customer support. As a bonus, subscribers earn the coveted blue verification badge.

But are these subscriptions really worth it? Let's take a closer look at Meta's various offerings, and their real value to your business.

The benefits promised by Meta Verified

Meta Verified subscriptions include several benefits meant to strengthen your presence on Instagram and Facebook:

  1. Blue verification badge: Once reserved for an elite group of public figures, celebrities and major brands, the blue badge is now available to anyone willing to subscribe. This badge is supposed to reinforce the credibility of your account by confirming your authenticity. However, it's important to ask whether this badge retains the same value now that it's available to everyone, for a fee.
  2. Improved visibility: Meta promises that the Meta Verified subscription will increase the reach of your publications. This includes better position in search results, prominence in suggested accounts to follow, and better overall visibility on the platform. This promise of increased visibility can be tempting, especially in a digital environment where standing out is becoming increasingly difficult.
  3. Identity theft protection: With online identity theft attacks on the rise, Meta offers enhanced protection for accounts subscribed to Meta Verified. This means increased monitoring for fake accounts or hacking attempts, giving you extra peace of mind.
  4. Priority customer support: One of the most attractive aspects of Meta Verified is direct access to dedicated customer support. Meta is notoriously difficult to reach, which makes this option particularly attractive for those who regularly encounter technical problems or have questions about their accounts.

Why we must be cautious

Despite these tempting promises, it's essential not to be too quickly seduced by these offers. Here are a few reasons why these subscriptions may not be as advantageous as they seem:

  1. Verification doesn't fix bad content
    The blue badge won't automatically turn your content into a success. In fact, if your content isn't already engaging, a visibility boost won't be enough to compensate for that. The key is to create quality content that is relevant and appealing to your target audience. Without solid content, even the blue badge won't be able to save your publications.
  2. The blue badge has lost its value
    In the past, the blue badge was a status symbol, an indicator of notoriety and credibility. However, now that the badge is available for purchase, it has lost much of its significance. It has become a mere identity check, and even that is questionable, as the check is now linked to a financial transaction rather than a genuine recognition of your influence or credibility.
  3. Increased reach not guaranteed
    Although Meta suggests that Meta Verified may increase the reach of your publications, no guarantees are provided. Even with an expensive subscription, there's no guarantee that your publications will be seen by more people. This raises the question of whether the investment is really worth it, especially when you consider that other factors, such as algorithms or audience trends, also play a crucial role in the visibility of your publications.
  4. The "Enhanced" profile can be obtained elsewhere for less
    One of the advantages mentioned of Meta Verified is the ability to enrich your profile with personalized images and links. However, third-party services such as Linktree offer these features for much less, making this aspect of the subscription less attractive in terms of value for money.
  5. The "Coaching" offered is random
    The top level of the subscription offers access to a strategic advisor every six months. However, the quality and effectiveness of this coaching is uncertain, and there is no guarantee that this advisor has the experience or skills to truly improve your strategy. This service therefore appears to be an additional offer to justify a higher price, rather than a real, tangible benefit.
  6. Cost-prohibitive for small businesses
    For small businesses, a Meta Verified subscription can represent a significant investment, especially the most expensive package, which reaches €499 per month. This money could be better invested elsewhere, for example in creating quality content, targeted advertising campaigns, or even hiring staff to manage and optimize your social networks. Find out how to captivate & retain your customers on Instagram. 

When should you consider Meta Verified?

Although I don't always recommend these subscriptions, they can be useful in specific situations:

  1. Adding links to your Reels
    If you frequently use Reels in your content strategy, the ability to add links directly to these videos could be a valuable asset in driving traffic to your site or products.
  2. Direct customer support
    businesses that regularly encounter technical problems or require rapid assistance, direct access to Meta customer support can be a considerable advantage. This can be particularly useful if your business relies heavily on the continuity of your online presence.
    If you often encounter problems with your account and need quick access to Meta support, this benefit could be worth the investment.
  3. Identity theft protection
    For companies or individuals who have already fallen victim to identity theft, or for those who are particularly concerned about this risk, the Meta Verified subscription offers an extra layer of protection that may justify the investment.

How to optimize your content strategy without Meta Verified

Even without subscribing to Meta Verified, it's entirely possible to improve your presence on Instagram and Facebook by adopting a well-thought-out and effective content strategy. Here are a few tips to help you maximize the impact of your posts:

  1. Invest in quality content
    Quality content remains the cornerstone of any successful social networking strategy. Take the time to understand your audience, identify what interests them, and create content that resonates with them. Whether it's photos, videos or text, make sure your content is both visually appealing and relevant.
  2. Use the platform's native tools
    Instagram and Facebook offer numerous tools to help creators optimize their content, such as stories, Reels, lives, and integrated shopping options. Use these features to diversify your publications and reach a wider audience.
  3. Analyze your performance
    Use the analytics tools available on Instagram and Facebook to monitor the performance of your posts. Identify what's working well and what's not, and adjust your strategy accordingly. Data analysis is essential for understanding what engages your audience and for continually improving your content.
  4. Itérez
    Creating content is all very well. But you've got to keep up with the times, and try out all kinds of new things. That's how you'll come across THE format, THE content that makes the difference and gives you visibility. 
  5. Engage with your audience
    Content creation is important, but so is engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, participate in conversations, and be active on the platform. The more you interact with your audience, the more loyal and engaged they'll be.
  6. Automate your engagement routines
    Today you can do away with time-consuming tasks such as engagement routines. The aim is not to automate human contact. On the contrary, the aim is to give you visibility on a daily basis, on a continuous basis, in an optimized way that saves you time, while allowing you to focus on what you do best.
    You can automate these routines with My name is Bond (expert agency since 2020). 
  7. Test targeted advertising
    If you have a budget to devote to promoting your content, consider using Meta's advertising tools to specifically target your audience. Ads on Instagram and Facebook can be very effective in reaching new audiences and increasing the visibility of your publications, especially if they're well targeted.

Finally, is Meta Verified really for you?

Meta Verified is an interesting offer that could appeal to some companies looking to strengthen their presence on Instagram and Facebook. However, for many, the benefits on offer don't necessarily justify the high subscription cost. Before committing yourself, it's essential to assess your current situation, determine whether these features are really necessary, and whether you have the budget to support them.

For our agency and most of our clients, we recommend focusing on creating quality content and engaging with the audience, rather than spending large sums on uncertain guarantees.

Need help developing an effective content strategy on Instagram? Make an appointment with our team today and find out how to maximize your impact on social networks without breaking your budget 👉 by clicking here 👈

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