

How can you use Instagram for your employer brand?

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Instagram is a popular social media platform, especially among younger users. It is a powerful tool for brands looking to improve their employer brand and recruitment strategy. The process of understanding Instagram and its audience involves a close reading of the app's statistics and user usage patterns, as well as how Instagram compares to other popular social networks such as Twitter or Facebook. As an employer brand, it's important to understand how to use photos and videos on Instagram to present a consistent and positive image of the company. This includes having a clear strategy for content, including using relevant hashtags and working with employee ambassadors or influencers. Finally, measuring and analyzing results is key to adjusting the employer branding strategy on Instagram based on the results. By using best practices to understand Instagram and its audience, companies can leverage this platform to improve their recruitment and reputation as an attractive employer.

How can you use Instagram for your employer brand?

The benefits of using Instagram to strengthen your employer brand

The benefits of using Instagram to strengthen your employer brand are numerous and can include:

  • Increased visibility: Instagram offers great visibility due to its large audience and popularity, especially in France. By creating a professional profile, your employer brand can reach new potential candidates and followers.
  • Rich Message: Instagram is a digital marketing platform that allows you to share quality videos and photos to showcase your company's values and culture. This allows candidates and followers to better understand your employer brand and appreciate its value.
  • Engagement opportunity: Instagram allows for two-way communication between your employer brand and your audience, thanks to features like comments and direct messages. This allows you to engage with potential candidates and answer questions from users.
  • Digitalization of the employer image: Instagram is an online social network that is part of the growing digitalization of companies. By using this platform, your employer brand shows that it is modern, innovative and attentive to the evolution of the market.
  • Targeting Generation Y and Z: Instagram is especially popular with younger generations, who make up a large portion of the workforce and potential customers. By using this platform, your employer brand can reach and communicate with this audience.
  • Affordable: Instagram is an affordable platform for promoting your employer brand, with much lower costs than traditional ads.
  • Generate interest: By sharing relevant information and presenting your employer brand in creative ways, Instagram can generate interest from potential candidates and clients, as well as current employees.

In short, using Instagram to strengthen your employer brand can be a huge advantage in terms of visibility, rich messaging, engagement opportunities, digitalizing your employer image, targeting younger generations, affordability and generating interest in your employer brand

Instagram stories
Stories are often used to share fleeting moments of daily life or live events

Use Instagram stories to humanize your employer brand

What is a story?

A story is a media sharing feature on social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. It consists of visual and ephemeral information, usually in the form of a photo or video, which disappears after 24 hours.

Stories are often used to share fleeting moments of everyday life or live events such as concerts, travel or sporting events. Brands and businesses can also use stories to showcase products, share special offers or give a behind-the-scenes look at their business.

How to make a story?

  1. Open the Instagram app on your cell phone and log into your account.
  2. At the top of your News Feed, tap on your profile picture icon with a blue circle around it to access the camera.
  3. Take a photo or record a video by pressing the round button at the bottom of the screen. You can also select an existing photo or video from your gallery by tapping the square icon at the bottom left of the screen.
  4. Customize your story by adding effects, filters, emojis, words or drawings using the icons at the top of the screen. You can also add hashtags or mentions to your story using the "add text" button or by typing directly on the screen.
  5. When you're happy with your story, tap the "Send to" button at the bottom of the screen to choose who can see your story. You can share your story with all your followers or choose specific people to show it to.
  6. Press the "Publish" button to post your story live on your profile or the "Your Story" icon to post it only in your story. Your story will be visible to your followers for 24 hours, after which it will disappear. Best practices for measuring the success of your employer influencer strategy on Instagram

Benefits of stories

  1. Increased visibility: Stories appear at the top of users' screens, giving them more visibility than regular posts. In addition, users are often more likely to look at stories due to their ephemeral nature.
  2. Visual and creative content: Stories allow users to create and share visual data, such as photos and videos, in a creative and fun way by adding filters, effects and text.
  3. Opportunity to connect with audience: Stories allow users to connect with their audience in a more personal way by sharing moments from their daily lives, events or behind the scenes of their business.
  4. Increased Engagement: Stories encourage user engagement by allowing users to take polls, questions, quizzes and surveys. This also allows brands to gather feedback and opinions from their audience.
  5. Audience Targeting: Stories allow users to target their audience by choosing who can see their stories, which can help brands reach their target audience more effectively.
  6. Scarcity effect: Stories have a limited lifespan of 24 hours, which creates a scarcity effect and encourages users to watch and interact with the post before it disappears.
  7. Use an automatic like tool, such as Mass Like Instagram Storiesto increase your visibility to qualified people. In other words, you automate your engagement routine. 

Tips for humanizing your employer brand

Humanizing your employer brand is important to show potential candidates that your company is an engaged community and that it cares about its employees. Here are 7 tips for humanizing your employer brand:

  1. Tell stories: Share inspiring stories of your employees' successes and their impact on the company and the community. Authentic stories strengthen the emotional connection between your company and potential candidates.
  2. Showcase your employees: Post images and videos of your employees working together or doing leisure activities. This shows that your company values its employees as people, not just workers.
  3. Show your company culture: Show your company culture through events, parties and activities organized by your company. Potential candidates want to know if they would fit in well with your company culture.
  4. Use social media: Use social media to humanize your employer brand. Share photos, videos and stories that show the behind-the-scenes of your company.
  5. Involve your employees: Involve your employees in creating publications for your employer brand. Employee-created content can help humanize the company and give your employer brand an authentic voice.
  6. Communicate regularly: Communicate regularly with your employees and potential candidates to show that you care. Respond quickly to comments and questions and engage in conversations to show you're listening.
  7. Be authentic: Be genuine in your approach and don't try to hide the less glamorous aspects of your company. Potential candidates appreciate honesty and transparency, which helps humanize your employer brand.

Instagram strategy
Measuring the success of your employer branding strategy on Instagram

Best practices for measuring the success of your employer branding strategy on Instagram

Establish clear objectives

To measure the success of your employer branding strategy, you must first establish clear and specific goals. For example, you may aim to increase the number of qualified leads for your company or increase the rate of applications received for your job postings.

Use key performance indicators (KPI)

KPIs are metrics that allow you to evaluate the performance of your employer branding strategy. On Instagram, KPIs can include the amount of likes, comments, shares and new followers.

Track your brand mentions

On Instagram, users may mention your company in their posts, which can be an indicator of how popular your employer brand is. Use mention monitoring tools to track mentions of your brand and see how users interact with your company.

Analyze the engagement rate

Engagement rate measures the total interactions versus the total views of your posts. It's important to track your employer brand's engagement rate on Instagram to see how your audience is responding to your content.

Measuring the impact on recruitment

To measure the impact of your employer branding strategy on recruitment, you can track the number of applications received for your job postings on Instagram. You can also track the volume of new employees recruited as a result of your employer branding strategy.

Measure the impact on your business

Measuring the impact of your employer branding strategy on your business can be done by tracking traffic to your website from Instagram. This allows you to see if your employer branding strategy is driving qualified visitors and leads to your website.

Follow the daily publications

Tracking daily posts allows you to see what's working and what's not in terms of content for your employer brand. You can use this information to adjust your employer brand strategy and create more effective content.

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