

UGC content creation: Boost your brand with your users

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Discover how User Generated Content (UGC) can transform your marketing strategy by boosting engagement, awareness and credibility.

UGC content creation: Boost your brand with your users

UGC content creation: Boost your brand with your users

User-generated content (UGC) has become a key component of modern marketing strategies. Whether it's photos, videos, reviews or testimonials, content created by customers themselves can help a brand gain authenticity and engagement, while influencing purchasing decisions. In this article, we'll explore what UGC is, its benefits, and how to effectively integrate it into your content strategy.

What is user-generated content (UGC)?

What's UGC? 

UGC refers to any content, whether visual or textual, created and shared by a brand's users, rather than by the brand itself. This content can take many forms: Reels on Instagram, videos on YouTube, product reviews, or written testimonials on a website.

This type of content is particularly powerful because it's a form of social validation: when consumers see other people, real and unaffiliated with the brand, using and recommending a product or service, they are more inclined to trust that brand.

The importance of UGC for your brand

UGC enables companies to add an authentic dimension to their communications strategy. Unlike content produced by brands themselves, often perceived as more "marketed", UGC is seen as more credible and less commercial.

It helps to strengthen the commitment of online communities. Users who create and share content become, in a way, brand ambassadors. In return, companies benefit from free advertising, as well as a viral effect that can help reach new customers without significant marketing costs.

Why is UGC crucial to your marketing strategy?

Low-cost content production, and we're all for it!

UGC offers an excellent opportunity to reduce the costs associated with content production. Rather than creating every visual, video or message in-house, brands can draw on content generated by their users, often spontaneously. This approach reduces costs while diversifying the types of content available.

Enhance your credibility and authenticity

Authenticity is one of the most important criteria for consumers today. User-generated content is perceived as more credible than traditional advertising. A customer review or a photo of a product in actual use generates more trust than overly sophisticated content.

For example, a recent study shows that 79% of consumers say that UGC content significantly influences their purchasing decisions. This clearly demonstrates the importance of UGC in enhancing a brand's perceived credibility.

Creating a community around your brand is essential!

UGC can help build an engaged community around a brand. Users who see their content shared by the brand feel valued and involved. This creates a sense of belonging, which strengthens customer loyalty in the long term. By encouraging your users to contribute to your content strategy, you create a positive engagement loop.

How can you integrate UGC into your content strategy?

Identify the key platforms for creating UGC

To integrate UGC into your content strategy, it's essential to identify the platforms where your customers are most active. Social networks like Instagram, TikTok or YouTube are prime places for users to share content. For example, on Instagram, you can encourage your customers to share photos of your products using specific hashtags.

Contests and themed campaigns are also effective ways of encouraging the creation of UGC content. Offering a reward for the best content, or highlighting it on your account, can encourage users to actively participate.

Make the most of your customers' opinions and testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials are powerful forms of UGC, especially for B2B or e-commerce brands. Encourage your customers to leave reviews after every purchase, and share these testimonials in your newsletters or on your social networks to showcase them.

Sites such as Yelp, Google Reviews or Trustpilot are essential platforms for user reviews. You can also use testimonials on your own site, on product pages, to reassure new prospects.

Encourage your community to create videos and unboxings

Unboxing videos have become very popular in recent years, especially on YouTube and TikTok. These videos offer an authentic view of the user experience from the moment the product is received. Invite your customers to create this type of content, and even propose partnerships with influencers to amplify the reach of these videos.

Strategies for maximizing the impact of UGC

Management tools for your UGC strategy

To make the most of UGC, it's useful to rely on specialized tools. Platforms such as Yotpo, Bazaarvoice and TINT make it easy for companies to collect, organize and share UGC content. These tools also incorporate features for moderating content and obtaining user authorizations before publishing.

Measuring the impact of your UGC strategy for continuous improvement

To evaluate the effectiveness of your UGC strategy, it's essential to track certain KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), such as :

  • Engagement rate (likes, shares, comments)
  • Increased sales or conversions following the distribution of UGC content
  • The number of new customers attracted by UGC campaigns

By analyzing this data, you can adjust your approach and optimize the performance of your campaigns. For example, you can discover which types of content generate the most engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Successful UGC campaigns

1) GoPro and the viral effect of UGC

GoPro is an excellent example of a brand that has fully integrated UGC into its marketing strategy. By encouraging its users to share their videos filmed with its cameras, GoPro has built a community of engaged fans, while increasing its visibility exponentially thanks to the authentic content produced by its customers.

2) Starbucks and UGC campaigns

Starbucks regularly uses UGC for its marketing campaigns, notably with the famous #RedCupContest, where customers are invited to post creative photos of their Starbucks drinks. This approach has not only generated millions of posts, but also significantly boosted customer engagement during the holiday season.

3) Coca-Cola and its "Share a Coke" campaign

In 2011, Coca-Cola launched its famous "Share a Coke" campaign, in which the brand replaced its logo on certain bottles with first names. Consumers were encouraged to buy bottles with their first names or those of their friends, and to share photos on social networks with the hashtag #ShareACoke.

4) ASOS and its #AsSeenOnMe

Online fashion giant ASOS launched the #AsSeenOnMe campaign, where customers were encouraged to share photos of themselves wearing clothes purchased on the platform. ASOS reuses these photos in its own social feed and on its website, creating a gallery of inspirations based on real customers' outfits.


User-generated content is an invaluable resource for modern brands, enhancing credibility, increasing engagement and reducing content production costs. By effectively integrating UGC into your marketing strategy, you can not only engage your community, but also reach new customers while increasing brand awareness.

To take full advantage of UGC and optimize your digital strategy, discover the solutions offered by My name is Bond. We'll help you implement innovative content campaigns and maximize the impact of your online communications.

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