Marketing automation
Deployment of bots for social networks

Agent 007
A social network bot is defined as an automated program. This bot is deployed to govern various actions on social networks. It acts autonomously in part or in its entirety depending on the commands given. Its role is mainly to imitate human users, but also to be able to perform tasks faster. Just as there are benevolent bots, there are also only those that are not. The latter represent a larger number. What are the advantages and reasons for using these bots? What benefits can be taken advantage of and how can we determine whether they are safe or not?

Deployment of bots on Instagram
For a company, a brand, a start-up, an influencer or even an individual passionate about a specific activity or art, social networks are fundamental. The presence on social networks is an asset of great importance. Instagram presents itself as an excellent lever for growth. However, in order for the results to be tangible, it is necessary to have a community that is both relevant and committed.
To do this, you can deploy a few simple techniques:
- Provide high quality photos,
- Make regular posts and publish consistent stories,
- Publish video content,
- Organise live events,
- Use captions that call for action, etc.
However, there is still a long way to go before these approaches deliver the desired results. This can be time-consuming and requires recurring tasks to be completed.
Reasons to deploy bots on Instagram
When a bot for Instagram is launched correctly and has excellent steering, it allows you to bring in as many likes as possible. It can also handle comments and auto-sharing of all kinds of posts.
To summarize the benefits of the bot on Instagram, it will allow you to :
- Recruiting a maximum number of subscribers,
- Automate interactions with other subscribers of this social network,
- Simplify the administration of your profile,
- Reduce considerably all the different chronograph tasks.

How will bots work on Instagram?
In order to develop your Instagram account, it is essential to have two basic elements:
- Quality and relevant content,
- Carrying out daily tasks.
Once you've created the content, social networking bots can take over and free up your time. Among other things, they can follow the followers of competing brands, contact them and send them a message, and so on.
An Instagram bot will run itself. However, its intelligence is limited. Therefore, it still needs to be guided. Its owner must therefore have a good strategy to pilot it. It is necessary to master it in order to better exploit it and take advantage of it.
The main objective of an Instagram bot will be to reference the information filtered by this network to a target audience. It will then automatically suggest actions to be taken with this or that person. This will allow a good interaction between the activities of both parties. In this way, your account will inevitably be followed.
Deployment of bots on LinkedIn

A bot on LinkedIn is an intelligent extension for managing time-sensitive tasks. Instead of going one by one to your subscribers for likes or checking their accounts and seeing if their activities match yours, a LinkedIn automation bot lets you perform these repetitive tasks with a single click.
This tool essentially allows you to automate the sending of messages and generate targeted invitations. You can also set up automatic responses. It remains a real growth lever for a marketer insofar as it allows them to prospect and sell their products quickly and in the simplest way.
Among the reasons that can convince you to opt for a bot on LinkedIn, we note particularly its speed. Being able to do all the work for you, it will save you precious time. Easy to deploy, you will have no difficulty in handling it. And let's not forget its performance. As the tasks will be processed instantly, you will be able to target as many profiles in a short period of time. It is capable of using many selection criteria to make the searches more and more precise. In this way, they will also perfectly match the chosen parameters.
If you call on the services of an agency with expertise in automation marketing, they can support you in a number of ways. In particular, they can help you define your target audience and write your message. They'll also be able to advise you on post publishing, an essential lever for optimizing your visibility.
Deployment of bots on Twitter

For one reason or another, it may happen that you need to increase your community on social networks. A bot can offer you useful services in this sense. It turns out that bots are more efficient than humans, especially in influencing the option. Research has already shown that 2/3 of the interactions on Twitter come from bots.
Why deploy a bot on Twitter?
A bot is primarily intended to make your life easier. But in addition to that, it can also help you gain more followers and get great results from your campaigns. Its main job is to automate repetitive tasks. You can be sure that it will do them faster.
If you need to follow political figures, for example, the bots can do it for you. This means you don't have to go to their accounts one by one to subscribe. This is a task you can easily entrust to a bot.
Both individuals and companies need to optimise their visibility on Twitter. An automation agency will be able to track targeted audiences to get the best results. At the same time, it will remove all sources that may lead to poor results.
How to use a bot on Twitter?
While building an engaged community on Twitter remains a complex task, the presence of bots is a game changer. As competitors continue to look for ways to implement new methods of acquisition, you need to be aware of the market challenge. Bots are one of the best ways you can deploy them, especially if you don't have a specific budget for advertising. And advertising is expensive.
To use a bot correctly on Twitter, however, you need to master its basic principles and the different functionalities specific to each one. After all, no two bots are alike. If you're not adept with the technical details, you can certainly call on the services of an expert in the field. This will enable you to easily automate almost all your actions.
The My Name Is Bond agency, specialized insocial network automation, is available to help you deploy bots. We'll help you gain followers more easily, save you time and multiply your sales. Our innovative methods are 100% secure.