Get more followers: our tips and tricks

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Almost all internet users around the world use social networks such as Facebook or Instagram where anything can be shared. However, social networks are nothing without their followers. It turns out that managing an account is not easy. So, to get more followers, you have to get involved in the network.

Have more followers

Focus on quality content

When it comes to SEO, content is often considered king. This principle also applies to many areas, including social networks such as Facebook or Instagram. If you want to rank well on social networks, you need to offer high quality content on your account. As soon as you do your utmost to offer your followers and future followers quality and engaging content, you have understood the trick.

Getting involved in the network is already good, but it is not enough to increase your followers. You'll have to pull out all the stops, whether it's in terms of photos or text. The goal is to publish content that appeals to your followers in order to get them to engage with you. The algorithm of social networks such as Instagram favours publications that manage to get engagement quickly. This is largely measured by :

  • likes,
  • comments,
  • sharing,
  • backups, etc.

You should know that the more comments you get, the more engagement you have. Indeed, comments far outnumber likes. 

Furthermore, it is clear that the most popular and shared types of content on social networks are those that are visually appealing. To do this, you need to publish bright and attractive photos. Choose photos that make people want to like and comment. Be daring with colours, as this is the secret to attracting visitors' attention. Ideally, try to get engagement as quickly as possible, especially before the hour before the content is published.   

Liker and follow more people

Social networks are interaction platforms, meaning that everyone depends on everyone else. It is important to seek contact with others and especially with your followers, even if they are not very numerous. If someone comments on your post, try to always reply and like the comment. Then in return, like their photos and comment too or even subscribe to the person.  

Likening other people's photos is good, but you should interact with your followers to create contacts. Moreover, these contacts will regularly bring you suggestions. In this case, it is also a good idea to follow new accounts. Of course, interacting with new people should help you gain followers on social networks. 

In the past, the most traditional way to get more followers was to link thousands of photos a day. However, this behaviour is currently penalised by Instagram. You risk being banned by the network by liking or following hundreds of accounts per day. It is better to focus on your followers and gradually create contacts by liking your followers' friends and subscribing to their accounts. Indeed, you can also subscribe to suggested accounts. 

Another solution is to subscribe to influential accounts in your niche. This way, you will bring more visibility to your publications. This allows you to be seen by their followers. You can even ask them for mentions or ask them to post on your account and vice versa.

Use the most relevant hashtags

On Instagram, everyone knows that hashtags are essential. But here you need to know how to choose the right hashtags. This is the way to make your posts more visible to accounts that don't know you yet. To choose the right hashtags, you need to base your choice on certain criteria. One of these criteria is the size of your account. In other words, if your account is small, you should use hashtags that are appropriate for your account, such as under 100K or 500K.

In addition, you must also take into account your activity. Your hashtags should be able to interpret what you do and who you are. Likewise, the content of your post will also play a role. Logically, your hashtags should be related to the visual and caption of your post. And finally, your audience is also part of this criteria. Using the hashtags of your followers will allow you to be seen by them.

Be aware that 30 hashtags per post is more than enough. This does not mean that you add 30 more in the comments in order to over-optimise. On the other hand, it is sometimes elegant to add hashtags in the first comment. Several planners offer this option. You can start by experimenting and choosing the ones you like. Once you have determined your main hashtags, save them and copy/paste them into each of your posts, adapting them to the context. 

Getting more followers requires a lot of work. It involves choosing content and how it behaves towards your followers. You need to give yourself some dedicated time to create your content. My Name Is Bond can help you create relevant content to boost your followers.

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