

How to manage your e-reputation on Twitter?

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Agent 007


Anything can go viral on Twitter, from a simple Tweet to a short video. You can gain traffic quickly and visibility. But at some point, you have to think outside the box. You have to manage that hard-won reputation. It may have taken months to build, which is why you need to keep it. 

E-reputation Twitter

Be active and responsive

Your activity and the animation of your network are the basis, but you must also be reactive. This is about your actions and your feedback. Your tasks are therefore to maximise your presence on Twitter so that people like you. This way, your followers will be happy to retweet your posts and more and more people will follow you every day. This is the only way your marketing plan will work. 

On Twitter, as on all networks, the question of responsiveness is also essential. By being responsive, you get closer to your followers, i.e. your network and your customers. You show a less commercial side and more human, warmer and more "adorable". In other words, you attract people's attention to you in a way that is not advertised. This kind of seduction game works precisely because socialites expect to be treated like humans. 

What can you do then? Always stay active: 

  • share interesting content, your services, your products; 
  • Prepare animations such as competitions, challenges or questions and answers; 
  • give your subscribers a voice from time to time, to ask their opinion or to play;
  • respond politely and kindly to customer comments and messages to maintain your brand image;
  • be as responsive as possible when contacted... 

Choosing the right emojis, gifs and hashtags

On Twitter, small, playful images can work in your favour or against you. You should know when and how to use them. Normally, a tweet should include at least one emoji, a gif and a hashtag. It's all about visibility and animation. It's also a matter of content quality and because on Twitter these are the mandatory communication codes. 

So choose the right keywords because your aim is to get people talking about you. They should be relevant and powerful. Even if it is recommended to post at least 5 tweets per day, don't forget that each of them must be of top quality for your visibility, for your traffic and for your image. However, limit yourself to the essentials with no more than 140 characters per post and a tag. 

Scheduling your tweets

In fact, in network marketing, the ideal is to be proactive. This means that you will identify the behaviours of your targets in order to respond to their needs. In other words, you will act on your own actions or those of your subscribers. You can even set your marketing strategy on it. Then, you program your tweets: their content, the time of publication, the possible responses, etc. 

Scheduling tweets has several advantages. You stay active and animate your community. It's all about competition. Know that your competitors will not miss a single opportunity to get ahead of you. You should launch tweets on a regular basis to keep your position on Twitter and on search engines.  

This is to say that the programming addresses a technical concern. Some companies use social media bots or automation techniques for this. They create tweets and schedule their publication. This allows them to keep up the pace and to get rid of time-consuming tasks. This allows them to work out the quality of each post in advance and gain an extra step over your competitors. 

Avoiding bad buzz

A bad buzz can happen at any time. It can damage your e-reputation in a matter of minutes because people love a story. And on social networks, that's what people are waiting for. So anything can distract, even bad news. Anything can also go viral, even one small misstep. Fortunately, you can avoid this by being prepared. How can you do this? 

It's simple, choose network marketing professionals. You can ask a community manager to moderate your web presence. He or she will help you maintain your brand awareness. You can also call a social media manager, a strategist who specialises in marketing on social networks. He or she is on a higher level than the community manager. Together they form the perfect duo to maintain your online image. 

Basically, you should put someone in the position of media manager. He or she will be responsible for integrating the performance criteria of a digital strategy for your reputation. He or she will also define the performance indicators to ensure that your plans are effective in the long term. If adjustments are needed during the project, he will take care of them. He can also carry out your social media monitoring and use the necessary tools.

If you do not yet have the means to create such a position in your company, you can work on your content, activities and responsiveness yourself. Otherwise, call a web agency that specialises in marketing automation or network marketing. My Name is Bond is perfect for this. It will help you stay on track for success.

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